Tour Prices - Tour prices will be quoted in Euro or ZAR.

Children under 12 years of age unfortunately are too young to participate in our tours. Passengers with disabilities are welcome providing they are accompanied by a person capable of providing all assistance required, and do not require special assistance from Classic Travel Company personnel. Classic Travel Company reserves the right to refuse to carry anyone it is felt cannot cope with the requirements of coach tour travel and who may require services and facilities that Classic Travel Company cannot guarantee will be available. Passengers agree that they will not hold Classic Travel Company liable for any decisions by a third party service provider to refuse to carry them or to provide any facilities or accommodation to them or to provide any services to them.

Itinerary Variations
In case of unforeseen circumstances beyond our control we reserve the right to vary itineraries and to substitute hotels. Every effort is made by Classic Travel Company to adhere to confirmed itineraries; however, we reserve the right to make changes to your travel arrangements when it becomes necessary to do so.

Tour Cancellations
All Classic Travel Company tours operate on a minimum amount of 8 participants. Should we receive less bookings we reserve the right to cancel the entire tour. The same applies for any circumstances beyond our control. Classic Travel Company will give notice of any tour cancellation at the latest 6 weeks before departure. We will refund all paid amounts and then be under no further liability. Classic Travel Company is not responsible for the cost of the flights or any other travel arrangements affected due to our cancellation.


  1. A non-refundable deposit of 10% of the tour price is payable within 7 days of confirmation.
  2. Final payment is due 6 weeks prior to departure.
  3. Classic Travel Company reserves the right to cancel the reservation and apply cancellation charges should payments not be received within the above specific periods.

Cancellations, Refunds & Booking changes

  1. Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to Classic Travel Company.
  2. A fee of R500 per person will be charged for any revision or alteration made to a reservation after the booking is confirmed unless the change increases the value of the booking. A change of tour date within 6 weeks of tour departure will be treated as a cancellation.
  3. There are no refunds for any unused services
  4. The following scale of charges will apply when notice of cancellation is given after the booking is confirmed. These cancellation fees refer to the land arrangement only, not to any flights:

a) Until 8 weeks prior to departure – 10% of the tour value
b) 8 – 6 weeks prior to departure – 30% of the tour value
c) 6 – 4 weeks prior to departure – 50 % of the tour value
d) 4 weeks prior to departure – 100% of the tour value

  1. Illness or Absenteeism: In case you have to withdraw from a tour after it has begun for reasons such as illness, be sure to obtain a medical certificate in support of any insurance claim. We regret that we are not able to make refunds for absences from a tour. If a promotional airfare is broken or extended for any reason, an additional fare may be payable.

Classic Travel Company, referred to as the Operators, undertake the following duties:

  1. The Operators shall be responsible to the passenger for supplying the services and accommodations described in the itinerary, except where such services cannot be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind of nature beyond the control of the Operators. In such circumstances, the Operators will do their best to supply comparable services, accommodations and itineraries and there shall be no refund in this connection.
  2. In the absence of their own negligence, neither the Operators nor their agents or co-operating organizations shall be responsible for any cancellations, delays, diversions or substitution of equipment or any act or omission whatsoever by air carriers, hotels, transportation companies, or any other persons providing any of the services and accommodations to passengers including any results thereof, such as changes in services or accommodations necessitated by same. Nor shall they be liable for any loss or damage to baggage or property, or for injury, illness or death, or for any damages or claims whatsoever arising from loss, negligence or delay from the act, error, or negligence of any person not its direct employee or under its exclusive control. The Operators are not responsible for any criminal conduct by third parties.
  3. Where the passenger occupies a motor coach seat fitted with a safety belt, neither the Operators nor their agents or co-operating organizations will be liable for any injury, illness or death or for any damages or claims whatsoever arising from any accident or incident, if the safety belt is not being worn at the time of such accident or incident.
  4. Transportation companies or airlines are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board planes, transportation or conveyances. The passenger contracts in use by the airlines or transportation companies when used shall constitute the sole contract between the airline, transportation Company and passenger or purchaser of this tour and the Operators assume no responsibility in this connection. Enrolment in and payment for a tour shall constitute agreement and acceptance by the passenger of the terms and conditions set forth in this booking form which cannot be varied except in writing by an officer of the Company.
  5. Should any legal dispute arise out of this agreement then such dispute will be adjudicated in the Supreme Court of the Republic of South Africa, Western Cape.
  6. All tours are operated by Classic Travel Company.

Travel Documents
Your Travel Documents will be sent to you prior to your departure. Please read this information carefully as it contains essential information and helpful advice to make your vacation as enjoyable as possible.

I have read and understood the booking terms and conditions of The Classic Travel Company.

Date: ___________________________________________
